The starting of winter season...

Today is the first day of winter here...Nonetheless, the snow hasn't come yet..maybe in December only then I can see how the snow looks like...There is one theory I couldn't understand about..Why the people here need to rewind their clocks (including me) one hour earlier? It started on 2.00am yesterday...Then I need to adjust my time again to 1.00am..Why???

The breeze is getting colder and colder..That is the sign of the becoming winter season. I went out this morning and finally bought my own printer...yeah...Next time, I wouldn't have to go to the campus earlier to get my printing done..

I still have not bought my winter jacket yet. Yesterday I found one, but it's £40 in price. I had to think twice when I saw the price tag. I'm afraid of buying the wrong one..huhu...
2 Responses
  1. Eve Says:

    wow..snow....i want see also T_T
    one hour earlier..hmm..interesting, tell me why when you found out XD
    JIA YOU~

  2. friend said it got to do with the earth changes..i'm also not sure about that...hahhaha

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