Hyhh...suddenly the issue of finding houses for summer came in...I enjoyed staying here so much and I could actually extend my let to summer..but the price for staying here made me think a lot...and all my flatmates and I were very close to one another....
Nonetheless, we need to separate......hyhh...what a pity...As for me, anything goes...as long as I feel comfortable with them all...so sad!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoyed living with them!
Now, I'm stuck in between...Really having a headache now...Just staying for only two months here, but have to think of renting houses next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argghhhhhh!!! I can't even concentrate on my study.......huhuhu....... :(
12:59 AM
Well..this post is specially done for one person...Straightforward (maybe too straightforward sometimes...hahaha) , honest, caring, brilliant, and unique; these are the characteristics of her, namely
What a memoirs for us..knew you since kindergarden till now...I'm really grateful to God for meeting us together...Just wanna tell you this..
YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT FRIEND TO ME! :)-------HaPPy BiRthDay, ah HuonG----------
Now is the moment of wishes!!! Hehe....
All the best in your future undertakings! May all your dreams come true! Wishing you long live and blessed for the rest of life! Happiness and prosperity awaiting you in front! May our friendship last forever!BF 4EVER! :D
See...I purposely invited famous celebrities to celebrate your birthday...Jay Chow, SHE, Peter Pan....All those are your favourites...(or maybe NOT) hahahha... Touched? Wakakakakkaka..
Lots of hugs and kisses,-mei ling- 29/11/2009
haha..today is the birthday of a friend of mine..one of my close friends and my housemate too...hahha...we did celebrate his birthday yesterday, but we purposely made it an hour later...means at 1.00 am!!! hahaha...how sad he was when the clock struck at 12 sharp at that time...no one knocking on door, no coursemates wishing on facebook and the night just passed by like that..hahhaha
What a surprise for him.He really felt happy when we celebrated his birthday..haha...hit by eggs somemore..hahhahahha.......
Happy Birthday, Aqili......:P
10:15 AM
Today is the big day for my very best friend here, Chief...He is the one that I said..straightforward, honest, sarcastic, clever, hardworking and unique...Although I know that he couldn't read my post here, still I want to wish him here..hahhaha (I didn't tell my course mates about my blog)...hehehhe
Why we call him Chief?? Because he was the chief for my class two years ago, when I was studying foundation in Ipoh there..hehehhhee
10:18 AM

Just a couple of minutes ago, I watched this awesome touching movie, especially the the scenes prepared for the farewell...I did cry a lot, and I'm sure you will experience that too if you watched it...The storyline is very interesting and unpredictable....it's really nice and worth of having a look on this story....This movie made me thought a lot of relationships involved in our lives here....Life is life.........
The summary is like this.......
In Los Angeles, the eleven year old Anna Fitzgerald seeks the successful lawyer Campbell Alexander trying to hire him to earn medical emancipation from her mother Sara that wants Anna to donate her kidney to her sister. She tells the lawyer the story of her family after the discovery that her older sister Kate has had leukemia; how she was conceived by in vitro fertilization to become a donor; and the medical procedures she has been submitted since she was five years old to donate to her sister. Campbell accepts to work pro bono and the obsessed Sara decides to go to court to force Anna to help her sister. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hooohhh...7.15am..the time that I had finished all my tasks and assignments ( i think so..)...What a rush that I had made..I didn't sleep at all for the whole night trying to finish them before the morning sun of Sunday arises...Finally, I made it...Thanks God...
Next time, I should really organise my time well...Nonetheless, I felt grateful that I had this reading week. All these tasks and assignments were really brushing up my language and made me revised on what I had learned...Ohhh...my neck felt a bit painful now because sitting in front of laptop for almost 24 hours!!!!
Time to have a good rest!! :)
Huhu...alas, it's reading week now...I thought it would be a lovely week for me to enjoy myself beforehand...However, things seem coming forward unexpectedly...There are a lot of work and assignments waiting for me! ARGHHHHH!!!! Actually, it's not a reading week for me, but WORKING week!
Besides that, I have to carry out an interview for the international students regarding on my portfolio entry..huhu..How busy will I be this week...didn't like it at all...
I should really start to finish my work now..one by one..hopefully i will have a nice weekend for this week... :(
P/S: My friend's friend have regained conscious from coma right now..Thanks God...:)
Today is my special day...My birthday, with lots of wishes and love from my friends and family..really like it so much.. THANK YOU GUYS! hehehe
Warwick Castle! It's nice! Feels like go back into the movies...so happy that I can actually go to a castle during my big day.....but it's raining a while after that..and the weather is damn cold..until my bone can feel it..huhuh...
It has been a long time since we ever go as a class trip..really love the memories when we go travelling together...We had not been anywhere together this year as we had to prepare hard for our foundation final exam...huhuhuh..Glad that we got such an opportunity again! :)
Today, we received a shocking news..my friend's friend had an accident this evening and he was in ICU right now..He was still in comma, and his condition was badly injured..The doctor also said, prayer was the only way now..I knew him too..so I did feel upset when i heard the news..He was a nice guy...
So, friends...Please pray together with me that he could win over this challenge...May God bless him...Hope everything will turn better...
Today, a puzzle interested me a lot..Try to guess the answer... :P
A man and his son are in a car crash. They both go to different hospitals in different ambulances. The doctor walks in to the accident and emergency ward and says, 'I can't operate on this boy- he's my son'.
31st October 2009...one of the biggest event in Western country..Halloween Day!! Happy Halloween to all! :)
On the other hand, Nottingham Games took place during this day too! It's a big event where all Malaysians from all over the country meet together and join this game..It took one and a half hour to reach Nottingham from my place..huhu..What a rush I had made this morning!! Suppose to depart from Liberty Park at 5.15am, but I woke up only at 5.10am!!!! Oh my god...luckily still reached the pick-up station on time...I didn't even have time to eat my breakfast, but still quikly threw dome biscuits and medicine into my bag..and then had a fast walk towards the bus station which took us 20 minutes to reach...Thanks God...
The scenery in Notts is really picturesque and full of arts value..I met with some old friends here. I really enjoyed the time with them...I couldn't imagine that I actually have the chance to meet them! hahhahah :)
On the way back to hostel, around 10.35pm, I saw a lot of people wearing halloween costumes...